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  • Virtual Reality For Neuro Rehabilitation
    ​to boost independence and quality of life

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At eXRt Intelligent Healthcare we seek to create a sustainable, self-managed and accessible therapy platform to rehabilitate neurological disabilities.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


Bringing you better recovery and a better support network

Virtual Reality

We use Virtual reality to give patients a better rehabilitation experience while they are at home.

Fun Rehab Games

We use fun virtual reality games so physiotherapy is more entertaining than the traditional ways!

Better Communication

Your physiotherapy can call, message or even have a live physiotherapy session remotely through virtual reality!

App for Remote Monitoring

The physiotherapist can review patient physiotherapy progress anywhere in the world while the patient is in the comfort of your own home!

Standardised Therapy

Our technology incorporates gold standard physiotherapy techniques into fun virtual reality games.



“My private neuro-physio has been delighted with my arm progress. Whole time that she’s had me, especially during this trial, there has  no signs of a plateau or slowing down, so thank goodness, I’m very grateful for that and being involved in the Project, so thank you very"

Stroke Patient

“Just the whole virtual reality, 3-D thing is really good fun.”

Stroke Patient

“I’ve noticed that I can lift my arm up a certain distance, and you know hold it, hold it across my chest which I couldn’t have done before I’d got on to the system”

Stroke Patient

"I am actually driving with my left hand now which I didn’t do for a long time like and you know using the indicator in the car and actually holding the steering wheel which, I was driving one handed for a long time there"

Stroke Patient